Challenged Growth
Webinars (CE Eligible)
Nutricia North America is pleased to provide a variety of clinically-oriented educational lectures.
These Nutricia sponsored presentations are intended for healthcare professionals.
In this section, you will find the name and description of all the recorded lectures available.
Each of the following presentations is approximately 60 minutes long and is available for viewing at no cost.
In addition, viewers can receive a certificate of attendance and most lectures are eligible for continuing education credit for dietitians and nurses.
In order for the recorded lecture to be considered for continuing education for dietitians by the Commission on Dietetic Registration, the recording must be viewed within 3 years of the date of the live presentation.
The Single Ventricle Patient- Why it takes a team of experts
Please join Lillian Su, MD, Associate Chief and Medical Director of the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Phoenix Children's Hospital, and Yaeji Kim, CVICU RN, for this interactive webinar on single ventricle physiology. Webinar Objectives:
- Describe single ventricle physiology
- Understand why those with single ventricle physiology have fragile circulations
- Explore why feeding those with complex physiology requires expertise from all members of the healthcare team
- Review a case study of a patient using energy and nutrient-dense formula
Nutricia Pediatric Nutrition Masterclass
Please join us for the 2024 Nutricia Pediatric Masterclass HOT OFF THE PRESS: The latest in food allergy management and nutrition assessment techniques.
Food Allergy Trending Topics in Social Media How to Build a Pediatric RD Skills Lab The Intestinal Microbiota DRACMA Guidelines & the Gut Microbiota Beyond the Scale 2023 ESPGHAN Position Paper on CMA 3-Course Meal: Advancing FPIES Psychosocial Challenges among Caregivers of Children with FPIES Resources for Caregivers-Child with Food AllergiesPlease complete this brief survey to obtain CE.
Enteral Nutrition in The Critically Ill Term Infant With Congenital Heart Disease
Please join Kimberly I. Mills, MD, MPH, and Emily Finnan, MS, RDN, LDN, CNSC, for a one-hour CE-eligible webinar on Enteral Nutrition in The Critically Ill Term Infant with Congenital Heart Disease.
- Discuss the unpredictable nutrient needs and etiology of growth failure in term infants with congenital heart disease (CHD)
- Considerations on the use and implementation of enteral nutrition support in patients with CHD
- Summarize evidence-based recommendations on determining energy and protein requirements for a critically ill term infant with CHD
- Review a case study of a critically ill term infant with CHD on an Energy and Nutrient Dense Formula (ENDF)
Feeding Infants with Lung Function Impairment
Join Liz Bacon, MS, RD, LD, and Jennifer Daughtry, MPH, RD, CSPCC, for a 1-hour CE-eligible webinar on the topic of infants with lung function impairment. Learning Objectives:
- Identify challenges when feeding infants with lung function impairment
- Review infant critical care nutrition management guidelines
- Describe evidence on energy- and nutrient-dense formula in infants with acute exacerbation of lung condition
- Review case study of energy- and nutrient-dense formula use in an infant with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Nutricia Pediatric Nutrition Masterclass 2023
Nutricia Pediatric Masterclass is designed to provide dietitians with cutting-edge evidence on managing pediatric patients that have food allergies and/or experiencing growth failure. This half-day workshop is filled with topics that will equip you with information for everyday practice and is presented by experts who work with food allergies and growth failure.
Download presentation handouts below
Why body composition matters in infants
Recognition and management of GER vs. GERD
Human milk fortification, to add or not to add
Breastfeeding in the presence of food allergies
Utilizing the nutrition care process across care settings
Case Study: Supporting an infant with food allergies using an AAF with synbiotics
An Emerging Approach to Managing Infant Malnutrition in the US: Real World Evidence & Case Studies
Join Thomas Wallach, MD SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University – Assistant Professor of Pediatrics for a 1-hour educational webinar on infant malnutrition. Learning Objectives:
- Summarize newly published global consensus paper
- Review real-world evidence from an Energy and Nutrient Dense Formula (ENDF) early experience program
- Discuss case studies using an ENDF in clinical practice
A Novel Approach in the Management of Failure to Thrive within the Cleft Lip & Palate Patient Population
Join Natalie Seabolt, DNP, RD, PNP, Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Otolaryngology, Le Bonheur Children's Hospital for a 1 hour educational webinar on the topic of, management of failure to thrive within the cleft lip & palate patient population. Learning Objectives:
- Discuss some of the challenges and hurdles associated with the nutrition management of cleft lip and palate patients.
- Review research related to nutritionally managing infants who struggle with failure to thrive.
- Review case studies of infants experiencing failure to thrive.
- Q&A ask the expert, Natalie Seabolt, DNP, RD, PNP
*This program is eligible for 1 CEU credit for dietitians and nurses in the US.
Build Your Nutrition Toolbox with Innovative Solutions: Practical Management of Your Pediatric Patients
Please join us for the recording of our Satellite Symposium held during the 2022 NASPGHAN meeting. During this session, moderated by Ann Scheimann, MD, MBA, you’ll hear the following presentations:
- Eosinophilic Esophagitis, Alison Cassin, MS, RD, CSP, LDUS
- Current Practices of Nutritional Management of Infants with Failure to Thrive: What's New? Nishant Patel, MD
- Blenderized Formula: Exploring the Thick of it, Sharon Weston, MS, RD, CSP, LDN
- Recognize clinical scenarios in which ready-to-feed amino acid-base formula may be indicated
- Identify a novel, evidence-based way of managing term infants with malnutrition and growth failure
- Explore GI symptom management with enteral patients using whole food formula
Pediatric Malnutrition Masterclass 2022
This inaugural Pediatric Malnutrition Masterclass course – chaired by registered dietitians – offers the latest evidence-based information and tips for managing your patients with growth failure. Learn from six speakers about nutritional management of this patient population. Topics and Presenters:
- Neonatal and Pediatric Malnutrition: What’s in Your Toolbox and Why Does it Matter?
Patricia J. Becker, MS, RDN, CSP, FAND - Beyond the Scale: Using Nutrition Focused Physical Exams (NFPE) to Assess Infants and Children for Malnutrition
Caitlin M. Stewart, MS, RDN, CDN, CNSC, CLC - Optimizing Growth in Breastfed Infants with Failure to Thrive: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Olivia Mayer, MPH, RD, CSP, IBCLC - Recent Clinical Data and Real-world Cases: Feeding Infants with Growth Failure
Melanie Savoca, MS, RD, LDN; Madden Wilson, RDN, LDN, CNSC; Rob McCandlish, RDN
*Nurses may claim CE credits for this course. RDs may claim CE credits for this course through 9/28/2025. To receive 4 CE credits, please view the content then complete this survey. Video length at normal speed: 4 hours
- Neonatal and Pediatric Malnutrition: What’s in Your Toolbox and Why Does it Matter?
Self-Study Module: Congenital Heart Defects: Nutrition Considerations for Infants
This self-study course – created by Amy Mahar, MS, RDN, CDN, and refereed by registered dietitian nutritionists – offers an evidence-based review of nutrition management of infants with congenital heart defects. Learning Objectives:
- Define types of congenital heart disease
- Understand nutrition considerations associated with infants with CHD in the neonatal period
- Determine nutrition interventions and care plans for infants with CHD using a novel energy- and nutrient-dense infant formula
- Read the course content, or view the video recording below
Recording Handout: Full-page Slide Images (no written content)
- Fill in the CDR Self-Study Evaluation Tool - you must upload your completed form as part of the survey.
CDR-credentialed practitioners should retain a copy for their records.
- Visit SurveyMonkey and complete the Post-Assessment and upload your completed CDR Self-Study Evaluation tool to receive your Certificate of Completion
A Novel Approach for Term Infants with Growth Failure: Clinical Data and Real-world Cases
Join Nishant Patel, MD, to discuss dietary management of growth failure in infancy through a review of published evidence and real-world cases. Learning Objectives:
- Recognize that poor growth can occur in infants with and without other medical problems
- Review the latest research on use of energy- and nutrient-dense formula (ENDF) to manage growth failure in infancy
- Explain when and how to use ENDF
*Nurses may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar. RDs may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar through 05/31/2024. To receive 1 CE credit, follow instructions at the end of the evaluation survey accessed via the link or QR code on the final slide of the presentation. Running length: 60 minutes.
Navigating Infant Formulas: Considerations When Selecting Formula, Including in Cases of Poor Growth
Join Liz Bacon, MS, RD, LD, CSP, for a review of infant formulas and when each is indicated. Learning Objectives:
- Identify different categories of infant formula
- Discuss appropriate usage for each type of infant formula
- Define a novel infant formula for term infants with growth failure
*Nurses may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar. RDs may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar through 05/31/2024. To receive 1 CE credit, follow instructions at the end of the evaluation survey accessed via the link or QR code on the final slide of the presentation. Running length: 60 minutes.
Global Evidence Using Energy-dense Formulas to Manage Poor Growth: Practical Tidbits for Clinical Practice
Join Jessica M Lowe, MPH, RDN, to discuss dietary management of poor growth in formula-fed infants. Learning Objectives:
- Define malnutrition and describe its current management in infants
- Review evidence on infants managed with energy- and nutrient-dense formulas
- Identify clinical applications of energy- and nutrient-dense formulas
*Nurses may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar. RDs may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar through 05/31/2024. To receive 1 CE credit, follow instructions at the end of the evaluation survey accessed via the link or QR code on the final slide of the presentation. Running length: 60 minutes.
Nutrition considerations for infants with congenital heart disease (CHD)
Join Amy Gelfand, MS, RDN, CDN, to discuss considerations and challenges in feeding infants with CHD. Learning Objectives:
- Define types of congenital heart diseases (CHD) in the neonate
- Review nutrition considerations associated with CHD
- Discuss challenges associated with feeding infants with CHD
*Nurses may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar. RDs may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar from 9/28/2021 to 5/31/2024. To receive 1 CE credit, follow instructions at the end of the evaluation survey accessed via the link or QR code on the final slide of the handout. Running length: 60 minutes.
Nutritional Management for Infants & Children with Neurological Injuries & Impairments
Join Janelle Karrell, APRN, RN, MSN, to discuss considerations and challenges in feeding infants and children with neurological injuries. Learning Objectives:
- Define and discuss three prevalent brain injuries within the neonatal and pediatric population
- Discuss challenges associated with feeding neurologically injured infants and children within the acute care setting
- Review nutrition interventions and management for neurologically injured infants
*Nurses may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar. RDs may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar through 05/31/2024. To receive 1 CE credit, follow instructions at the end of the evaluation survey accessed via the link or QR code on the final slide of the presentation. Running length: 60 minutes.
Infant malnutrition and growth failure in the community: exploring new nutritional management strategies
Join Liz Bacon, MS, RD, LD, CSP, for a presentation on nutritional intervention for infants with malnutrition and growth failure. Learning Objectives:
- Identify infant malnutrition and growth failure
- Discuss common interventions for infant malnutrition and growth failure
- List the risks associated with concentrating and fortifying formula
- Identify a novel way of managing term infants with malnutrition and growth failure
*Nurses may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar. RDs may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar from 9/16/2021 to 5/31/2024. To receive 1 CE credit, follow instructions at the end of the evaluation survey accessed via the link or QR code on the final slide of the presentation. Running length: 60 minutes.
Linking Feeding to Development in Infants and Children with Complex Congenital Heart Disease
Join Dr. Barbara Medoff-Cooper, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for a talk, “Linking Feeding to Development in Infants and Children with Complex Congenital Heart Disease.”
Participants will be able to:
- Explore feeding protocols from infancy to toddlerhood
- Describe factors that contribute to feeding dysfunction
- Describe growth and developmental outcomes during the first two years of life
*Nurses may claim CE credit for this webinar. RDs may claim CE credit for this webinar from 5/21/2021 to 5/21/2024. To receive the Certificate of Attendance from this webinar, complete the survey link included on the last slide of the handout. Make note of the webinar code prior to submitting the survey. Then enter the code within the CE credit request section to receive your Certificate of Attendance.
A New Management Strategy for Infants with Poor Growth: Outcomes From the GROW-IN Study
Join speaker Praveen Goday, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, and Program Director, Clinical Nutrition and Enteral Feeding Programs, Children’s Wisconsin, for a presentation on nutritional intervention of infants with or at risk of growth failure.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize that poor growth is common in infants with and without other medical problems
- Explain how insufficient energy intake is the most common cause of poor growth
- Discuss how an energy- and nutrient-dense formula is an innovative option to improve growth in infants with poor growth
*Nurses may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar. RDs may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar from 7/14/2021 to 5/31/2024. To receive 1 CE credit, follow instructions at the end of the evaluation survey accessed via the link or QR code on the final slide of the presentation. Running length: 60 minutes.
A fresh look at today’s nutritional interventions for infants with malnutrition or failure to thrive – trends and concerns
Join speaker Sarah Simental, MS, RD, CSPCC, CNSC, Clinical Dietitian II at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, for a presentation on nutritional intervention of infants with or at risk of growth failure. Learning Objectives:
- Explain how undernutrition/failure to thrive (FTT) impacts hospitalized infants
- Describe current practice for feeding hospitalized infants with FTT, based on a recent US research survey
- List shortcomings and barriers to optimal nutritional intervention for hospitalized infants with FTT
Nutritional Intervention of Infants with or at Risk of Growth Failure: When? How? Is What we do Enough?
Join speaker, Chris Smith, Senior Pediatric Dietitian, Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital, Brighton, UK for a presentation on nutritional intervention of infants with or at risk of growth failure.
Learning Objectives:- Explore the importance of optimizing growth in infants with or at risk of growth failure
- Understand the consequences of poor growth in infants, how and when to intervene
- Define management goals and nutritional needs of these infants
- Highlight current nutrition management practice in North America, including the use of concentrated infant formulas. Present case studies illustrating the use of energy & nutrient dense formulas in these infants outside of the US
- Overview of existing evidence supporting the use of energy & nutrient dense formulas
*Nurses may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar. RDs may claim 1 CE credit for this webinar from 3/31/2021 to 3/31/2023. To receive 1 CE credit, follow instructions at the end of the evaluation survey accessed via the link or QR code on the final slide of the presentation. Running length 60 minutes. Download Webinar Handouts -
Navigating the Journey of Infants With or At Risk of Poor Growth. Are We Doing Enough?
Join speakers, Chris Smith, Senior Pediatric Dietitian, Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital, Brighton, UK and Maria Mascarenhas, Pediatric Gastroenterologist, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, PA, USA for a presentation on Navigating the Journey of Infants with or at Risk of Poor Growth.
Learning Objectives:- Explore the importance of optimizing growth in infants with or at risk poor growth
- Understand the consequences of poor growth, how and when to intervene
- Define management goals and nutritional needs
- Highlight current nutrition management practice in the US
- Examine case studies illustrating the use of energy- & nutrient-dense formulas in infants with growth failure outside of the US
*Nurses may claim 1.5 CE credits for this webinar. RDs may claim 1.5 CE credits for this webinar from 11/6/2020 to 11/6/2022. To receive the 1.5 CE credits, complete the survey via the link or QR code on the left of the screen during Q&A. Running length 90 minutes. -
How to Achieve Optimal Growth in Infants With Congenital Heart Disease – Are We Doing Enough?
Join speakers, Dr. Chitra Ravishankar, Professor of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Luise Marino, Clinical Academic Pediatric Dietitian, Southampton Children’s Hospital for a presentation on How to Achieve Optimal Growth in Infants with Congenital Heart Disease.
Learning Objectives:- To describe the importance of optimized growth in infants with congenital heart disease
- To understand the role of nutrition management and impact on outcomes
- To explore current nutrition practice, including shortcomings, & explore strategies for optimizing growth in these infants
- To discuss existing and emerging evidence
*Nurses may claim 1.5 CE credits for this webinar. RDs may claim 1.5 CE credits for this webinar from 10/28/2020 to 10/28/2022. To receive the 1.5 CE credits, complete the survey via https://bit.ly/31jrPK5. Running length 90 minutes.
*Nurses may claim 0.5 contact hour for this content. RDs may claim 0.5 CPEU for this course through 11/15/2025.