Chylothorax and other Lymphatic Flow Disorders: Etiology and Management in Pediatrics
Event date: 11/14/2017

Join us for a 1 hour educational webinar with Melanie Savoca, MS, RD, CNSC, LDN discussing the origin and management of chylothorax and other lymphatic flow disorders where specialized medical nutrition therapies are required. Melanie Savoca has been a dietitian at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for 10 years. She works with patients in the cardiac intensive care unit and the Frontier Lymphatic Program. She specializes in medical nutrition management of patients with congenital heart disease, surgical patients, heart failure and transplants, and patients with complex lymphatic disorders. She has also completed a course in quality improvement. Melanie co-leads a multidisciplinary cardiac quality improvement committee that has developed a pathway to standardize the delivery of nutrition for pre-operative and post-operative neonates undergoing surgery for congenital heart disease. She received her undergraduate degree in nutrition at The Pennsylvania State University, and completed her Master of Science and Dietetic Internship program at The University of Florida. Webinar Objectives:
- Understand the function, anatomy and disorders of the lymphatic system
- Describe the adverse consequences of lymphatic flow disorders
- Define the medical nutrition management of lymphatic flow disorders
- Discuss a case report and relate learning to one’s own practice
*Please note: Dietitians cannot claim credit for recorded events beyond 3 years from live event date.
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